Thursday, March 5, 2015

Language....a Life's Work

ESL students from 2002.
It occurred to me the other day that I have been dabbling in language learning in one way or another for more than half of my life. Between learning new languages and teaching English, I have some how made language my life's work. I certainly never intended to go down this path, in fact, I'm really not a very good linguist. I say that I didn't choose this path, but I do believe that the Lord set me on it a long time ago. I often wonder why He would have chosen for me a field that I find so difficult, but I can't pretend to not understand. When I step out into the unknown of yet another language learning adventure, it keeps me humble, and I learn over and over again to lean on Him rather than my own understanding.

That, believe it or not, was a side note. I've been teaching beginner English for the last several weeks to a group who has never studied English, and even struggles with the official language of French. I've been challenged to dig deep into my Wolof (language) bag of tricks to explain vocabulary and grammar. I've even sprinkled a little Pulaar into the mix. It has been a rewarding experience, and reminds me why I enjoy teaching ESL (English as a Second Language). At the end of our last session, the group left the class chanting, "we are going, we are going". An exciting indication to me that they are making progress.

The biggest language learning blessing for me recently has been my ability to really connect with a female student through my interest in studying Pulaar. She told me that she has been holding on to my phone number for 3 years in hopes that I would offer a class simple enough for her to learn English. God led her to call me at just the right time. To top it off, she is a Pulaar speaking Tukalor from the very region where we hope to build a new school. When I began speaking Pulaar to her she was beside herself, and told me she knew it had been worth the wait.

Never doubt that God has a reason for everything! Even language learning.

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