Monday, January 5, 2015

The Curve Ball

In the early stages of language learning your vocabulary is very limited. One of the first plateaus for me is where my knowledge of vocabulary and grammar start to merge, and I itch to speak in complete phrases. Of course those are limited as well, so when I throw out one of my well practiced phrases, but get a curve ball in response (something unexpected), I tend to strike out. I stutter, flounder, and search for where to pick up the conversation.

On the other hand there are those times like today where I feel like I knocked it out of the park. It was more like a bunt, but I hit it none the less. I recognized a word that I wasn't expecting and gave a satisfactory response. The fans went wild (in my head) and I ran the bases to another (very small) language learning victory. It doesn't take much to make or break the language game on a day to day basis.

Until my next home run!